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Growth is the real problem in Greece, not debt

As signs emerge of reasons to be more optimistic about Greece’s place in the Eurozone, at least in the short term, it strikes me how policymakers continue to emphasise the same prescriptions that have failed to support the economy back to growth over the past five years.

Debt relief in some form is needed, and will no doubt ease some of the pressure on Greece. But there is no point granting debt relief if that is not coupled with a growth agenda. After all, the aim of successive bailout programmes should be to give Greece time to implement sensible reforms that will stimulate the economy and put it back on a path to a degree of self-sufficiency. That means combatting tax evasion and a poorly functioning state, as well as agreeing plans for investment to stimulate or develop sectors of the economy that will create jobs, rather than firing more workers and destroying people’s pensions.

Spain and Ireland have been successful test cases of the buy-time-and-reform-appropriately approach. Both of these economies’ main problems were in the housing market and the banking sector. Greece has a bigger, two-fold challenge: the highest public debt in the Eurozone as well as banks in a liquidity crisis so deep that it threatens to become a solvency issue. And the scale of the challenge has only intensified as a result of events over the past week, with Greece now operating as a cash-based economy that will be more difficult to manage centrally. In Spain and Ireland, reforms demanded were both more appropriate and implemented by a political leadership that was serious about exiting bailout dependency quickly, by tackling the root causes of problems in their economies.

If the existing discredited approach continues to be applied to Greece, without any vision for what the economy should look like in five years’ time, it will remain in a cycle of repeated yet increasingly intractable negotiations toward solutions that burden other Eurozone member states as well as Greece itself, risking a long-term dependency problem.

It is important to remember that the repayment terms on Greek debt—although it is no longer being paid—were already soft. Interest repayments amounted to 1.5%, and both this interest and the principal were deferred until 2023. This amounts to a debt servicing cost of approximately 3% of GDP. Italy pays 4% of GDP and most of the Eurozone pays in the range of 3-4%. Only Germany pays less, at 2%. Greece could have continued to service its debt if only the economic crisis were handled properly.

Had lenient debt repayment plans gone hand-in-hand with growth-enhancing measures, this may have actually made a difference by now, rather than the economy shrinking by more than 25% via misguided austerity policies. What was put before Greek creditors on Thursday night includes plans to increase the tax take from businesses and sales while reducing public sector wages. How will this be achievable in an economy operating on a cash basis that was already poor at collecting taxes, where a quarter of the population is unemployed, without any plans for job creation? The proposed introduction of an autonomous tax revenue agency seems to be only one part of the puzzle.

If Greece is to exit its debt trap, growth is one route to that combined with some reduction on or perhaps further delayed repayment of that debt. No one seems to be talking about this, instead concentrating on the restrictiveness of monetary union, which removes the possibility to inflate away debt, or the prospects for debt relief on its own. This thinking seems short-sighted and fails to tackle bigger problems such as Greece’s lack of a diversified range of exports, which would continue to be an issue even if the country exited the Eurozone and returned to the drachma. Everyone involved has an incentive to think bigger and longer term. Unfortunately, domestic political incentives are pulling them in the other direction.

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